A full list of all changes ordered by the version they were made in.
0.9.0 - Join
- added sql generators for INNER, LEFT, RIGHT and FULL JOIN
- added 'select ... join' command
0.8.0 - Alter table commands
- added enums of available sql generation functions per dbSystem
- added 'alter table' commands
- added 'alter table rename' command for sqlite
- added
- added long_description_content_type field (
0.7.1 - CursorNotNone
- added raising CursorNotNone exception if cursor is none when trying to execute database operations
0.7.0 - Support tracker, select command enhancement, ...
- included version, author and license information to the main
- added support tracker to prevent db systems to execute unsupported operations from base db system
- enhanced select_from generator with select_count, select_avg and select_sum
- added 'DISTINCT' option to select operations
- remade and improved exceptions
Breaking changes
- made a variety of parameters keyword-only wich concerns the modules sqlGeneration and dbSystems
- moved to sqlGeneration/standard: only db systems and sqlGeneration are concerned
0.6.0 - Sqlite support
- added further metadata to
- created
- sqlite is now supported:
- added base db system all other db systems inherit from
0.5.0 - Custom data types
- introduced custom data types
- annotated functions to give type hints
- added naming constraits of a foreign key
- replaced pytest.raises with assertRaises from unittest
- fixed primary key bug that generated invalid SQL
- converted test-cases into 'unittest.TestCase's
- added primary and foreign key constraits
- added unique contrait
- custom exceptions got a hierarchy
- added importing sub-modules recursivly in all files
- added MySql db system with connect_to_dn(), close_connection(), get_cursor()
- MySQL db system got functions to process db actions
- renamed test files to order their execution
- create_table() got the option to use "IF NOT EXISTS"
- no longer directly inserting values into SQL statements -> added parameter for defining a placeholder (default: '?')
- introduced SQL generator select
- new requirement: mysql-connector-python
- introduced the following SQL generators:
- drop_table
- drop_db
- minimum python version set to 3.8 or newer
- added
- introduced the following SQL generators:
- insert_into
- delete_from
- create_table
- update
- added sqlGeneration.check_validName() wich checks whether a string is a valid name for a database table